Monday, March 24, 2008

The Sofa

Approximately 3 minutes after we found the apartment, I began my search for a sofa. Now sofas are an extremely sensitive subject in our house. A certain tastemaker in the clan (English, short, penchant for patent leather loafers) has always favored the formal settee look, which while completely elegant, provides space for no one, save the aforementioned tastemaker, to sit in any degree of comfort. So I was determined to find a couch that was completely chic, yet totally comfortable. All Harding women have a thing for navy (a constant classic), so after my sister stumbled upon this inspiration shot (from Domino) it was decided - we were on a mission. After exhausting my usual catalog, website and Main Street haunts to no avail, I was getting worried. And then one sunny Saturday, I stumbled upon Classic Sofa - would be purveyors of our dream sofa. Navy velvet? No problem. Ready in two weeks? Yup. Really? Yup. I mean, really? Um yup. Can I add nailheads? Yup. I love you Classic Sofa.

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Work In Progress

While it may not look like much at the moment - these unfinished floors and walls will no doubt cause quite a few decorating delights and dramas in the not too distant future...

The foyer - you only get one chance to make a first impression.

My bedroom...
And our number one construction priority - my closet.
Fingers crossed we are carpenter, electrician and plumber free by closing.